Saturday 14 September 2024
Home Contact


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Yes, humans live here…

…and we’re quite happy to help/discuss/brainstorm/listen/partner with you on any ideas you may have for possible news, promotions, co-productions, events and features. Anything, that helps make positive change for the environment.

We are particularly interested in partnering with people who would like to use as a vehicle to highlight their work. Don’t stress if you have never made a film before, we may even help co-create your film production, big or small, if we think you have an interesting story or item of news.

Of course, we are also looking for contributors, filmographers, writers, helpers, volunteers, benefactors and literally anyone who thinks they can help If any two of the following apply to you then maybe it’s time to talk:

  • You understand the challenge to our environment and want to help make change.
  • As an individual you have an idea for a great story about the environment and want the world to know.
  • You enjoy filming or writing stories you know will make a difference.
  • The organisation or company, large or small, you represent are doing great things to help the environment and you want to film your story and share your achievements.
  • Your organisation or company already has film that relates to the environment and you are happy to share that with viewers.
  • You are a PR, publicist, or marketing expert who wants an extra outlet for your environment related items.
  • You are a billionaire, millionaire, thousandaire, or even hundredaire who wants to use your dollar to help publicise the very many ways we can improve the environment.
  • You are keen to get involved and have skills you think Environment.TV might need (like social media skills, photography, book-keeping, admin, finance, marketing, PR, local area knowledge, etc)
  • You realise you are one of the ‘can do’ generation this world needs right now.

If you’ve got any ideas you would like us to consider, suggestions you think we should hear, or you just want to make contact. This is the place to begin:

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Contact Details


0 (44) 7537 196043


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About us

Environment.TV brings you news, features, events, facts, stories and inspiration about our planet and its fight to save the environment – a global battle that we all must win.

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Naked Clams – The Marine Pest That Could Help Feed The...

Researchers hoping to rebrand a marine pest as a nutritious food have developed the world’s first system of farming shipworms, which they have renamed...
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